School lunches/ milk / fruit
School Lunches
Hot school lunches are available to all children in the school and meet nutritional guidelines.
These are provided free of charge to children in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 under the Universal Free School Meals scheme. We are delighted that we have 100% uptake for this scheme.
For children in Years 3-6 lunches cost £2.65 per day or £13.25 per week.
Children can have a combination of school dinners and packed lunches, but we do prefer that they maintain the same pattern for half a term.
Please give us notice in writing if you want your child to change their current arrangement.
Packed Lunches
To help children develop an understanding of healthy eating.
Click here for our Packed Lunch Policy
Milk at School
All children are entitled to a 1/3 carton of milk at school each day. This is free for children until the Friday before their fifth birthday after which a charge is made.
The scheme is administered by and you will need to register your child with them.
Fruit at School
All the children in EYFS, Year 1 and 2 have a free piece of fruit at school each day.
Children in Years 3-6 are welcome to bring a piece of fruit from home in to eat at breaktime.