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Letter from Parveen Kapoor, Chair of Governors

I have been a Governor at St Cuthbert’s C.E Primary School since late 2018. During this period the Board has overseen some significant but necessary changes, including an expansion of the school, a change of Head teacher and the formation of a new leadership team, a revamping and implementation of a revised curriculum, a positive move to lower class sizes and of course an OFSTED visit.

During 2020, this has all been progressed whilst responding to the demands of Covid-19 and our primary objective to keep pupils, staff and all others who interact with the school safe. I would like to thank the Board and all the staff for their hard work and positive attitude throughout this period. I and the Board would also like to thank all parents for the important role that they continue to play in helping the school keep everyone safe. Throughout all this change, the ethos of the school has been retained and we continue to foster close links to the village and community.

During my time as Chair of Governors it has been my pleasure to be associated with the governing body and staff. They have all shown tremendous dedication to the school and continue to do so.  I am honoured to be a governor and to be involved with St Cuthbert’s school and look forward to it's exciting future.

The role of the Governing Body

Our aim is to provide the school with strategic direction, to hold the school leadership accountable and to be a critical friend to the school.  Governors have general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement and giving every child the opportunity to make good progress. The Governing Body works in close partnership with the Headteacher, who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school and staff, offering her support and advice. In particular, we are responsible for agreeing and setting appropriate targets for pupil achievement, overseeing the school’s budget and making sure the curriculum gives children the opportunity to be taught and learn well in our school.

The Governing Body and individual Governors are expected to conduct our business in a professional manner, with the focus on the best outcomes for children at the heart of all that we do, and to maintain and respect confidentiality at all times. 

Our Strategic Plan can be found following the link below




Governor Category

Term of Office

Committee Membership





Attendance at Meetings 


Declaration of

Interests  completed

Mrs Linda Harwood

Co-opted Governor

28.02.24 to 27.02.28

Curriculum Performance

Safeguarding Governor

Full Governor meetings- 3/4

Curriculum Performance- 2/4


The Seedsowing Network-Trustee

Mrs Jenny Hawkins


As appointed

Business Management

Curriculum Performance


Full Governor meetings- 3/3

Curriculum Performance- 4/4

Business Management- 4/4


Headteacher at the school

Mr Parveen Kapoor

Co-opted Governor

 29.11.21 to 28.11 25

Business Management

HT Performance Management 

Curriculum Performance

Pay Committee

Chair of Governors

Full Governor meetings- 3/3

Curriculum Performance- 4/4

Business Management- 3/4


None declared

Mr Todd Fellows

Parent Governor

28.08.24 to 27.08.28

Business Management

Pay Committee




Mr Oluwale Orenuga


Parent Governor 28.08.24 to 27.08.28 Curriculum Performance      

Mrs Hayley McDade

Co-opted Governor

04.03.24 to 03.03.28

Business Management

(Chair of Committee)

Pay Committee


Full Governor meetings- 4/4

Business Management- 3/3


Leicester City Council employee

Mr Chris Taylor

LA Governor

10.12.23 to 09.12.27

Business Management

HT Performance Management 

Pay Committee




Full Governor meetings- 4/4

Business Management- 2/3


None declared

Mr Daniel Bools

Staff Governor

(Deputy Head)

03.09.22 to 02.09.26

Business Management

Curriculum Performance




Current teacher and Deputy Head at the school

Dr John Dormer Co-opted Governor 25.11.2021 to 24.11.2025

Curriculum Performance


Business Management

Vice Chair of Governors

Chair of Curriculum Performance


SEND Governor

Full Governor meetings- 2/2

Curriculum Performance- 2/3

Business Management-  2/2


None declared