Christian Distinctiveness
As a Church of England Primary School we have chosen to focus on 7 Christian Values. These 7 values are not only visible in classrooms but also underpin our school vision and behaviour policy. Along with planned curriculum work and Collective Worship these values will be referred to continually is all we do and not just in an RE lesson.
These values are so very important to us, in particular what they mean in the Christian sense.
Within school, we have created displays to illustrate and promote our Christian Values. Each value is taken from a key passage or theme from the Bible and linked to a song, image or story. The songs are used as part of our Collective worship and are enjoyed by all.
“Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”
Colossians 3:12
“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another as God in Christ forgave you.”
Ephesians 4:32
“You shall love your neighbour as yourself.”
Mark 12:31
“Behold they are one people and they have all one language and this is only the beginning of what they will do.”
Genesis 11:6
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
“My God is my strength in whom I trust.”
Psalm 12
“Encourage one another and build each other up.”
1 Thessalonians 5:11
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self- control.”
Joshua 1:9
“I can do all things through Him who strengthens”
Joshua 9
Service and Compassion
As a Church of England school we believe that serving God, means serving others, serving those in need and an understanding of this is encouraged and fostered through our fund-raising for charitable organisations.
Through supporting a variety of local and international charities, our pupils take an active involvement in worldwide initiatives. This encourages respect for different cultures and a sense of justice which enhances their understanding of global citizenship. Often the pupils themselves come forward with a suggestion for a particular charity, one that they may have a personal link with or an interest in. They lead these initiatives with commitment and enthusiasm by giving up their own time and encouraging others to take part.
Compassion is not about ‘doing good’ from a position of strength or just ‘remembering those less fortunate than ourselves’. Compassion requires an act of imagination and humility to share in the lives of others. A desire to act, to do something. A passion to do good in the world.
At St Cuthbert’s, pupils, staff and parents have a commitment for this. We demonstrate a real commitment to respecting and supporting people around the world as well as in our own local community and more importantly we hope we have also made a lasting impact on the lives and experiences of the charities we support.
We recognise that the work we do demonstrates our Christian distinctiveness and effectiveness as a Christian Organisation. We believe that this develops our children socially, emotionally and spiritually equipping them with wisdom and understanding of the world in which they are growing up in.