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How will St Cuthbert's know if children need extra help?

Concerns can range from learning difficulties, language and communication difficulties, sensory impairment, medical problems to emotional, social and mental health issues.

  • Some children may be working below age expected levels in Literacy and Numeracy which would indicate extra support may be needed. Some children may have specific learning difficulties e.g. dyslexia. Children may also have low scores on standardised tests e.g. reading/spelling age. It is important to remember that slow progress and low attainment does not necessarily mean that a child has special educational needs. However, it may be an indicator of a range of learning difficulties or disabilities. Equally it should not be assumed that attainment in line with age expected levels means that there is no learning difficulty or disability
  • Information passed from a child’s previous school may indicate that a child has a difficulty and support will need to be continued.
  • Reports received from e.g. doctors, educational psychologists, special needs teaching service, speech and language therapists may recommend specific support.
  • We always take into account information given by parents.
  • We listen to concerns expressed by the child.

After completing an assessment period, Teachers identify children and complete an ‘Monitoring form’ which will be discussed with parents and the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator. Appropriate next steps for the child will be planned for and parents are actively encouraged to be involved in the decision making process.

What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?

Talk to your child’s class teacher about any concerns you may have. The class teacher will discuss these with the SEN Co-ordinator. Alternatively, you can arrange to meet with the SEN Co-ordinator directly.

What will happen if my child is identifies as having special educational needs?

Once it has been agreed that a child has additional needs, you will be informed and they will be placed on the Special Educational Needs Register under the category of SEN Support. They may receive extra support or intervention if this is felt appropriate. Your child will receive 3 reviews each year whilst they are on the SEN register. This will be recorded on their own individual paperwork. If they continue to make slow progress or have ongoing problems then the school may ask for advice from outside agencies (see question 9). A small number of children may go on to have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC) – these are for the most complex children that have significant and ongoing needs. If a child has an EHC plan then they will also have an additional Person Centred Review and the plan can stay with them up to the age of 25 if it is deemed necessary. These children will also receive a review in the 1st half of the Autumn term of Year 6 to discuss transition to an appropriate secondary school.

How will St Cuthbert's support my child?

At St Cuthbert's we are mindful of and comply with the LA Expectations of Schools, which outlines the key ways pupils should be supported in class. Our provision menu shows the full range of specific targeted support we give identified pupils to address their additional needs. All interventions and approaches in this document have been shown to have a positive impact on pupils’ learning.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support  my child will receive?

Different interventions and approaches are used to address specific areas and we look carefully at your child’s individual needs when deciding how best to support your child and which interventions to use.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child's needs?

Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all pupils in their class. Lessons are differentiated to match each child’s needs. Teachers will make reasonable adjustments to the curriculum to meet individual need. At St Cuthbert's  we have a well-designed curriculum with strong teaching and learning.

How will both you and I know how my child's doing?

Teachers make on-going assessments for all children lesson by lesson and over a series of lessons. This information informs planning. Children receiving interventions will have their progress tracked throughout the time they are receiving the support. For children on the SEND register, there will be three reviews over the year. This will give you a chance to meet with the class teacher and you are offered the opportunity to meet with the SEN Co-ordinator during parent’s evenings. Your child’s progress will be discussed (including any interventions they have received). However, at any point during your child’s time at St Cuthbert's, please feel free to ask your child’s class teacher how your child is doing. All children will receive a mid-year and end of year report that will inform you of your child’s progress throughout the year.

How will St Cuthbert's help me support my child's learning?

Children on the SEN register will be given outcome targets and at each review advice will be given on how you can help your child achieve these. At any point during your child’s time at St Cuthbert's, you can talk to your child’s class teacher about what support you can give.

What support will there be for my child's overall well-being?

See our ‘Removing barriers to learning’ document. This shows how we use out inclusion leader, and ELSA teaching assistant to support your child’s overall well-being.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by St Cuthbert's?

There are a variety of services and expertise that we can access:

- Educational Psychologist

- Complex Learning

- Communication and Interaction Support

- Early Years Special Needs support

- Learning and Autism Support 

- Social, Emotional and Mental Health Support

- Visual / Hearing Support

- Speech and Language Therapy

- Medical 

- School Nurse

- Social Care and Safeguarding

- ADHD Solutions