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Religious Education

At St Cuthbert's C.E Primary School we ensure our pupils’ cultural development is enhanced by an exciting, stimulating and relevant RE curriculum.

We use the Leicestershire Agreed Syllabus and the Church of England’s scheme, Understanding Christianity, to guide our teaching. We always link events and celebrations from a range of faiths and cultures into our themes and topics so that they are relevant and meaningful for the children.

Our teaching is delivered in line with the Church of England’s Statement of Entitlement. If parents wish for their children to be withdrawn from RE or collective worship, please contact the school office.

Click here to read this document LEICESTER DIOCESAN BOARD OF EDUCATION Guidelines for Religious Education

We have links with the village church and visit it for services and celebrations, as well as having regular visits to the school by local Reverends. Our children also visit a variety of places of worship in Leicestershire to ensure diversity and respect for others' beliefs are experienced first hand.